
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

West induced Ukraine fiasco ... Krasnoarmiyska shooting May 11

To my eyes, a couple of those Kiev-commandeered  guys in the vid below at about the 8.20 mark, the guys in masks, look different from the Ukrainian soldiers.  Blackwater aka whatevernewname must have hired plenty of ISIS-like Iraqis. Also, note that the masked guys are the ones to shoot first from the group of the Kiev-commandeered killers. One of the masked guys drives the business end of  his AK right into the chest of the unarmed citizen who was brave enough to confront the killers but  gets himself shot  in the leg.

The AK or whatever kind of gun these killers are using can do maximum damage.  A glimpse of the wound was enough to make me feel queasy. 
This incident, according to what I read, happened at a centre where the pro-Russians were supposed to cast their vote but found the Kiev-commandeered guys had taken over the building.  

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