Wednesday, December 4, 2013

They walk, talk and break bread with headchoppers and cannibals

Britain and its western allies held talks with islamist factions.

Richard Spencer writing at TelegraphUK:
.... Britain and its western allies have held their first face-to-face talks with Islamist factions fighting President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, including militant groups demanding a hardline Sharia state, as the secular forces they previously backed lose ground.
The meeting was held in the Turkish capital, Ankara, officials said, as the western alliance grows increasingly alarmed by the strength of jihadist, al-Qaeda-linked factions that now dominate parts of rebel-held territory......
....The meeting in Ankara was arranged by Turkey and Qatar, which have both seen their influence with the rebels slip in recent months as the Saudis have taken a more aggressive position.
On the western side sat Britain, the United States, Turkey, Qatar and other countries that are part of the “Friends of Syria” group that has backed the rebels since early last year..........

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