Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sarah Palin's daughter: "Dear President Obama, Please save this American in Iran"

At her facebook page Palin links to her daughter Bristol's  plea to  bring wider attention to the plight of Pastor Saeed who is sentenced to 8 years,  only because of  his Christian faith, on thumped up charges.  

Bristol Palin writing at Patheos:
...Pastor Saeed, a U.S. Citizen, is in danger of being murdered.  According to the ACLJ website, he has been transferred to a deadly cell block in one of Iran’s most dangerous and obscure prisons.
He is no longer sharing a cell with political prisoners but with murderers. Rajai Shahr Prison is where prisoners are sent to disappear – many are murdered at the hands of other prisoners.
President Obama, who has already spoken to the President of Iran about Pastor Saeed, must take immediate diplomatic action to save Saeed’s life. Time is of the essence....

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