Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Iran continues to execute prisoners on charges of "Enmity with God" ... what the hell does that mean?

When the mad mullahs or kamakazi or khomeni or whatever the fuck they are called in that hellhole can't find anything with which to charge someone,  they charge such people with “moharebeh”  which supposedly means "enmity with God" .... and don't even try to understand what the hell that would mean unless you want to give yourself a migraine.

In my firm opinion,  the biggest mistake of Obama's presidency is the time when America SHOULD HAVE interfered in a Muslim country and didn't.  The USA interferes all over the world at the drop of a hat, but when the Iranian student revolution cried out to the USA to come to their aid,  their pleas fell on deaf ears.  All the trouble in Syria we see today could have been avoided if  Iran's student revolution had been successful and the religious nuts in that hellhole had been buried alive.

From EkurdNet:
Thousands gathered in the district of Özalp in Van Province in order to protest the government of Iran following another execution of a Kurdish political prisoner Monday morning in Seqiz Prison, according to a report by ANF. Şerko Maarfi, who was thirty-four years old, had been in prison since 2007 when he was sentenced to death for agitating against the regime and being an “enemy of god.” The execution was the third execution of a Kurdish political prisoner by the Iranian State in the past ten days.....

From IranHumanRights:
Ahmad Saeed Sheikhi, one of the lawyers   representing Shirkoo Moarefi, a Kurdish prisoner who was executed November 4, confirmed news of his execution and told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, “I learned about my client’s execution from news websites. I tried to contact his family many times and I was finally able to talk to a family member at 4:00 p.m., who confirmed the news and told me that the family were on their way to collect the body.”....

....“According to the law, the authorities have to serve the lawyers with a notice about an impending execution, and the prisoner’s family must also be served with a notice. I am still in shock from having heard news of my client’s execution through the media,” Ahmad Saeed Sheikhi told the Campaign.
“Considering the situation of the case, we expected that Shirkoo would be acquitted of this charge, [enmity with God], and be spared from execution,” said Sheikhi......

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