Tuesday, October 1, 2013

More on our very own Canadian suicide bomber in Syria ...

he makes us so proud doesn't he?  Our Immigration Department does one hell of a good job, doesn't it?

The question is:  Was he the first?  Or have there been others we don't know of as yet?

A few months ago, some of us learnt about  Jamal Abdulkader, the student from Montreal who met his end ... but the details were a bit foggy.  Did he blow himself up with the car or did the car bomb go off before he could get himself out of it and live to do more damage?   Anyhow ... that explosion in Damascus took  the lives of  approximately  50 humans ... most of them innocent Syrians and many of them women and school kids. The survivors and family members of that attack should sue the Govt. of Canada.  I hope after all this is over, each and every Judas country will be sued to high heaven by all Syrians affected by this war that these countries have deliberately inflicted on Syria.

Besides a few bloggers reporting on the Canadian suicide bomber, this news has been kept under a blanket by our media.

Below is a German TV program (English subs) talking about that and more.  The vid was posted Sep.1

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