Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Turkey's honcho threatens "a punch for a punch"

 HAHAHAHAHA!   This guy can't  get any more Mafia-like than this .... or can he?   Let's enjoy the show.

Constanze Letsch writing at TheGurardianUK:
....Erdoğan's chilling warning: 'these protests will be over in 24 hours'  'We have not responded to punches with punches. From now on security forces will respond differently,' Turkish PM says.
Turkey's prime minister defied a growing wave of international criticism on Wednesday and issued a chilling warning to the protesters who have captured central Istanbul for a fortnight, declaring that the demonstrations against his rule would be over within 24 hours.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's ultimatum, which he said was conveyed to his police chief and interior minister, ratcheted up the tension in Turkey after a relatively calm day following the mass teargas attacks by riot police in Istanbul city centre on Tuesday evening.

"We have not responded to punches with punches. From now on security forces will respond differently," Erdoğan said after meeting a team said to be representing the protesters for the first time. "This issue will be over in 24 hours."........

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