Sunday, February 3, 2013

Muslim crime wave in Canada .... Part XXXIII

The most frustrating thing about the Canadian Police Services' press releases is how they, in many, many cases, don't give the names of those charged with a crime.  Makes one wonder  if  they are intentionally hiding something.  The public has a right to know the names of the accused in any and all crime cases, unless the perpetrator is below the age of 18 years.

As for the Ottawa Police Services,  so many crimes but hardly any arrests .... which raises the question of their efficiency... the lack of it.  Guess they are kept too busy planning get togethers for Muslim Outreach samosa sessions.  In a November 2012 article at SunNews, it was reported that there were 1696 home invasions/break-ins in Ottawa and the year still had over 30+ days to end.  How many of those robberies were solved ?? None??  I am sure the Ottawa Police Services can't be that inefficient .... at least let's give them the benefit of a doubt. Let's say at least 5% of those home invasion crimes were solved and the perpetrators were apprehended and charged... so why are there no press releases on those?   I have said it before and I will say it again .... somebody must take a serious look at the management of the Ottawa Police Services.  Something really smells there....real bad.

And, as for the Calgary Police Services .... the city must be full of angelic beings.  The place is either crimeless or clueless .... take your pick.

295) On Friday, May 4, 2012 at 11 a.m., police responded to a call for a robbery at a jewellery store in the Sheppard Avenue East/Kennedy Road area.
On Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Mohammad Bakhtiari, 26, of Richmond Hill, was arrested and charged with: 1) Robbery  2) Weapons Dangerous

296) On Friday January 4, 2013   at 1:35 p.m. an 80 year old women had her purse stolen while she walked across the parking lot of the Metro Grocery Store located at 371 St. Paul Avenue.  The accused used force as the victim struggled to hold on to her purse and subsequently suffered minor injuries to her shoulder.  The male suspect took the purse and immediately fled the area in an awaiting grey Infiniti. A witness obtained a licence plate number. 
Police investigation revealed that the accused and two unknown accomplices had observed the victim win a sum of cash at the Brantford Casino a few hours earlier and followed them to the Metro Grocery Store. The purse contained identification and an undisclosed amount of money. 
Further on January 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Brantford Police Major Crimes Officers with the assistance of the Hamilton Police attended and arrested the accused at his residence in Hamilton. Police are still investigating the identity of two unknown male accomplices. 
Jagar Mohsin HASAN, 18 yrs, of Bastille Street, Hamilton is charged with: Robbery............

297) At 3:53 a.m., on Saturday August 4th 2012, Police were called to 810 Main St. East at Ashford. This was a closed business under renovations. Upon Police arrival the building and two vehicles parked directly out front were fully engulfed in fire.  Twenty one year old Samir Anbari died as a result of this arson. 
Thirty-year-old Sami Karnaz of Mississauga remains in custody charged with Second Degree Murder and Arson disregard for human life.

298) Windsor Police were  dispatched to a report of a robbery this morning at approximately 10:55a.m. in the rear alley behind 475 Tecumseh Rd E.  An employee of The Lumberjack Restaurant was robbed as she was attempting to get into her vehicle with a deposit bag from the business.  A male party approached her and grabbed for the bag.  A struggle ensued and the victim was knocked to the ground.  She was kicked several times and eventually lost her grasp on the bag.  The suspect was last observed running Southbound in the alley behind the restaurant.  The victim suffered minor non life threatening injuries including scrapes and abrasions.  The suspect is described as being an ethnic light skinned male,  5'10" with a skinny build.  He was wearing a dark hoodie with the hood on as well as dark pants. ....
Charges have been laid against 2 Windsor men in relation to Monday's robbery at the rear of the Lumberjack restaurant.  The investigation is still ongoing.  Bruce DELLAIRE 43 of Windsor is charged with one count of Robbery
Abbas ZEIDAN, 33 of Windsor is charged with one count of Robbery

299) On Monday January 14, 2013 at approximately 4:50 p.m. Windsor Police were dispatched in the area of Marentette Avenue and University Avenue East for a report of a robbery.  Investigation has revealed that two male victims aged 18 and 23 were walking south in the alley West of Marentette when they heard male voices yelling at them.  They turned to see what the yelling was about when they were rushed by 2 suspects brandishing box cutter exacto knives.  One of the suspects slashed at one victim cutting his sweater.  He demanded that the suspect turn over his money.   The second suspect held his box cutter to the second victims throat and also demanded money.  The victim gave him a loonie.  The suspect went through his pockets and located a phone and took it from the victim.  The suspects then walked away Southbound towards the Tim Horton's.  The victims called police to report the incident.  Officers attended the area, located and placed the two suspects, aged 17 and 19  under arrest without incident.  The box cutter exacto knives were recovered by police.
19 year old Windsor resident Mustafa MALIH is charged with 2 counts of Robbery and Failing to Comply with a Weapons Prohibition.  
A 17 year old young person is also charged with 2 counts of Robbery.........

300) Incident # 12-223143    Type : Sex Offence  CORONATION BLVD, CAMBRIDGE
Allan UMAR-KHITAB, a former psychiatrist at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, has been charged with one count of Sexual Assault and one count of Sexual Interference.
The incidents for which he faces charges are alleged to have happened in the early 1990's.
It is alleged KHITAB sexually assaulted an individual who was his patient at the time.
KHITAB was released via a Promise to Appear. The first court appearance is scheduled for February 21, 2013 at 89 Main St courtroom #2, Cambridge

301) (Ottawa)-The Ottawa Police Service Robbery Unit charged two people in relation to a personal robbery that occurred January 24, 2013. 
At about 8:30 p.m. a lone male was walking along Canyon Walk Dr. in Riverside South when he noticed a vehicle following him.
The victim was then grabbed from behind by a male suspect. The suspect pointed a handgun at the victim and demanded what he was carrying. The suspect obtained a cellular phone. There were no injuries. 
Police stopped a similarly described vehicle in the area a short time later and arrested two suspects. An imitation handgun was seized by police.
Ridah HASHEM, age 18 of Ottawa, is charged with robbery with an offensive weapon, use of a firearm in commission of an offence, and possession of a weapon dangerous to the public. A young person, age 16 of Ottawa, is charged with the same offences......

302) Gatineau, January 6, 2013 - The Police Department of the City of Gatineau wishes to inform the public that an arrest for murder was made ​​yesterday after the event occurred on the Promenade du Portage in the night from Friday to Saturday. Mourad LOUATI, 18, ​​a resident of Ottawa, was arrested yesterday at 18:00 and appeared by telephone this afternoon on a charge of murder. The victim, Sheldon O'Grady, also 18 years old and a resident of Ottawa, has succumbed to his injuries after a fight erupted. An autopsy will be performed Monday, January 7 at the Laboratory of Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine in Montreal. The autopsy will help us to know, among other things, the nature of the victim's injuries. investigation, which is still ongoing, has failed to recover the murder weapon......

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