Sunday, February 3, 2013

How the Liberal government of Canada loaded this land with Muslim terrorists

The sins of the Liberals have been coming back to haunt them.  Oops, what am I saying?  Sins come back to haunt only people with a conscience, not the shameless and not the vote whores on the Left.

This should  be a lesson for Jason Kenney and the present ruling party, the Conservatives.  The follies of today will tell on you tomorrow.  If you don't learn from the colossal mistakes that the Liberals made, you are also likely to walk in the same shoes of  your opponents in the very near future.

The following is a Google translation from the French article:
You've probably never heard of Abderraouf Jdey and Faker Boussora.    These are two of Tunisian origin Quebecers whose head a price (to $ 5 million) by the Government of the United States in its program of fight against terrorism. Both Islamist fanatics arrived in Montreal in the early 90. They easily obtained the status of political refugee. Become citizens, they could easily travel around the world to participate in various operations jihadists. 

Abderraouf Jdey.
According to the FBI, Abderraouf Jdey is involved in the preparation of hijacking and terrorist operations. Faker Boussora his friend, he attended the mosque Assunna Hutchison Street in Montreal. It is part of those who have become Canadian disaster just before the 1995 referendum, when Ottawa was desperate for votes in favor of non. He has lived in Rosemont from 1991 to 1999 when he went to Afghanistan to train in a camp of Osama bin Laden. U.S. special forces found in the home of Mohammad Atef, the military leader of Al Qaeda they came to kill, a video where Jdey promised to die as a martyr in a suicide attack. According to interrogation under torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man who planned the operation on 11 September 2011, Jdey was selected to attend pilot training to participate in the attack. For unexplained reasons, it is rather returned to Quebec, where he was seen in Montreal for the last time in the fall of 2001. A crazy conspiracy theory scaffolded around her disappearance claiming he committed suicide by blowing with explosives hidden in his shoes on American Airlines flight 587 when he had taken off from New York on 12 November 2001, killing all 260 people on board.....

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