Sunday, February 3, 2013

Good Wars and Bad Wars

The war against Hitler and the Nazis was a Good War.  The war against Assad and Syria, IMO, is a Bad War.  The war against Gadhafi and Libya, again IMO, was a Bad War, the war against Christians in Kosovo was a Bad War, the war against Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia was a total disaster and the start of the end of whatever credibility the USA ever possessed.

However, the war against Iran's mad regime will be undoubtedly a GOOD WAR .... so lets get on with it !!!

From AlArabiyaEnglish:
Iran’s exiled opposition figures gathered in Paris on Saturday said 2013 will be a year of change in the Islamic Republic and urged the boycott of the June presidential election that will choose a successor to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 

The international opposition conference - hosted by the French Committee for a Democratic Iran - came ahead of the 34th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution.

“This election whose only candidates are criminals implicated in the torture, massacre and looting of the Iranian people for 34 years, has no legitimacy in the eyes of the Iranian people and must be boycotted,” the National Council of Resistance of Iran said in a statement......

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