Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mark Steyn was right as usual ....

and like the comedian Russell Peters would say "somebody is gonna get a beating" and in this case somebody is due for another kind of a beating...a severe tongue lashing from Mr.Steyn. That somebody is Ed West of The Telegraph, UK. Read what West writes and you will begin to see how quickly and how stupidly the UK is giving in to shariah.  It's happening right before our eyes, in our own era and not one or two generations away as previously opined. No sirree ... the Caliphate is done waiting in the wings and with support from idiots like Ed West it is cocksure of victory when it comes centre stage.

How Islam became a scapegoat for the problems of immigration.  Something I wrote last week about Islam caused a bit of a stir, with one conservative blogger wondering if I had been threatened with beheading. The great Mark Steyn even wrote: “I’m sad to see the usually perceptive Ed West of the London Telegraph planting his flag on this wobbling blancmange.” Considering I am Mark Steyn’s biggest fan in the whole wide world, complete with a wall covered with pictures of him and a tattoo of his face on my chest, that’s left me with some mixed feelings.

And yet I still believe that Islam has become something of a scapegoat for the problems associated with mass immigration, and here’s why.......

.....Besides which, many of the “Islamic” customs which people object to have little or nothing to do with Islam. Forced marriages are a south Asian custom, one that radical Islamists oppose for being too Hindu. Honour killings have been a custom in many Christian cultures (the first in recent European history was carried out by a Palestinian Christian), but Christians no longer practise this barbarity for the same reason that British Hindus don’t – because they are urban, sophisticated, wealthy and educated. Many Pakistanis from rural Mirpur are not. But it's rather impolite to criticise a national culture; easier just to say “Islam”.....

There falls into the depths of the sewers yet another journalist we thought was on our side.   Sheeesh !!!!

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