Thursday, December 2, 2010

Labor Unions are serial killers of jobs and entire industries

America's graveyard where the once robust companies are died and buried because of the labor unions' greed is vast and growing even bigger. 

At one time, way back in the past, labor unions were definitely needed and those running them were to be admired. We have come a long way from those days when workers needed to be protected from the whims and wiles of the management. Now, at most times it seems the whims and wiles are played out by the workers at the instigation of their Union bosses.

I wonder if the workers know how much of their membership fees are diverted towards propping up candidates that the labor union overlords  deem suitable... and how they  prop such candidates ... with the collective booty from the workers?

In today's news 1000 workers stand to lose their jobs.   Pharmaceutical distributor Express Scripts, unable to reach an agreement with union officials, is closing two plants in Bensalem.

At Express Scripts, the other shoe dropped Wednesday. Citing an impasse at the bargaining table, Express Scripts announced that, on Feb. 1, it will close its Street Road plant, the larger of its two Bensalem facilities. .....

In Canada too, unfortunately, we have our share of  similar Union overlords, too cocksure of themselves and either too greedy or  too unwilling to accept new concepts  but forever ready to sacrifice the jobs of their members without a single thought.

When will workers come to the realization that the Union overlords are nothing but slave master who are willing to kill  off their livelihood without the least bit of consideration?

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