Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why is the Bloc Quebecois attempting to gut the Child Trafficking Bill ?

MP Joy Smith need our help to get this Child  Trafficking Bill  passed. Can you believe that this is being held up?  Please send a note to your representatives and show your support to MP Joy Smith who has been working tirelessly to get this passed for the last countless months.

September 15, 2009
News Release


Opposing Serious Penalties For Traffickers of Children ‘Unacceptable’

Ottawa, ON: Yesterday, the Bloc Québécois tabled a motion to amend Bill C-268 by ‘deleting Clause 2’. Introduced by MP Joy Smith, Bill C-268 contains amendments to the Criminal Code that would provide mandatory minimum sentences for the traffickers of minors.

Bill C-268, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (minimum sentence for offences involving trafficking of persons under the age of eighteen years), is scheduled to debated at Report Stage/Third Reading at 5:30pm tonight when Members of Parliament debate the Bloc Québécois’ motion to the Bill.

Bill C-268, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (minimum sentence for offences involving trafficking of persons under the age of eighteen years), received near unanimous support from Conservative, Liberal and NDP MPs during a vote at Second Reading on April 22, 2009. With one honourable exception, the Bloc Québécois opposed Bill C-268.

The legislation has made its way through the Justice and Human Rights Committee and only faces two hours of debate, one of which is occurring tonight, before a final vote in the House of Commons.

“The continued opposition of the Bloc Québécois to mandatory minimums for the trafficking of minors is not only reprehensible; it is unacceptable in our country,” said MP Joy Smith. “To openly oppose serious penalties for those who sell and abuse the bodies of minors doesn’t just suggest approval for this horrific abuse. It virtually endorses this horrific form of exploitation.”
For more information please contact:

Joel Oosterman, Legislative Assistant
Office of Joy Smith, MP
Phone: (613) 992-7148

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